Y fraich fu'n hollti'r môr

(Ymffrost ac ymddiried yn Nuw)
  Y fraich fu'n hollti'r môr,
    Sy' 'nawr yn dal y gwan,
  A throi'r Iorddonen gref
    I lifo tua'r lan;
Mae dwyfol rym yn mraich fy Nuw,
I faeddu'm beiau cryfa'u rhyw.

  Gelynion rif y dail
    Sydd am fy nghael i lawr,
  O fewn, o faes bob dydd,
    Fel tonau'r moroedd mawr:
O! dal, fy Nuw! fy mhen i'r lan,
Caf fuddugoliaeth yn y man.
Sy' 'nawr :: Sydd 'nawr
I lifo :: I redeg

Christmas Evans 1766-1838

Tôn [666688]:
Carmel (Thomas Tallis / E J Stephen)
Claudia (alaw Gymreig)
Darwall (John Darwall 11731-89)
Louvain (Caradog Roberts 1878-1935)
Lovely/Rhosymedre (John D Edwards 1805-85)
St Godric (John B Dykes 1823-76)

  Gelynion rif y dail
  Rhyw 'stormydd mawr eu grym

(Boasting and trust in God)
  The arm which divided the sea,
    Is now holding the weak,
  And turning the strong Jordan
    To flow towards the shore;
There is divine force in my God's arm,
To beat my faults of the strongest kind.

  Enemies as numerous as the leaves
    Are wanting to get me down,
  Within, without every day,
    Like the waves of the great seas:
O hold, my God, my head up!
I will get victory soon.
To flow :: To run

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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